Facebook and Instagram seem like the easiest things in the world. Post some pictures of my business and I’m all set. But, to do social media right, it takes a little more time and engagement. I talk a lot about identifying your business’ “voice” on social media. For social media to work for your business, people need to engage. To… Read More
Or, maybe, more importantly, what is a logo NOT? A logo is not an advertisement for your company or business. A logo does not contain your address or your phone number. It may or may not include your company’s tagline. A common mistake is to include too much information about your business in the logo itself. A good logo is a… Read More
Life is short. How often do you find yourself drawn to the memes on facebook and instagram that have the beautiful pictures of sunsets and beaches and that message? How often do you repost these memes and remind yourself that, yes, life is short, and, yes, I must remember this. This is important. Life is short. There is lots of… Read More